2 matching records

papers, correspondence and notes on various stone monuments in Britain and Europe, and the Druids - 1. Proceedings of the Royal Society - On the Observation of Stars made in some British Stone Circles; 2. A common place book with notes on stone circles on Salisbury Plain; 3. Immolation; 4. Celtic Antiquities; 5. Extract from an Essay on the original population of Great Britain; 6.list of references to Ancient Britons; 7. list of Roman writers; 8. Manners of ancient Britons; 9. copy of an article on the architecture of ancient Britain; 10. notes on an article on Carnack by James Logan; 11. article and drawings by John Houstoun, Surgeon RN of Bristol, on the Giant Temple of Gozo; 12. a prospectus of an article on Celtic Manners, by James Logan; 13. notes on Cromlechs; 14. letter to Henry Ellis by John Britton 29.4.1829 ref. monuments; 15. notes on Irish ancient monuments; 16. letter 23.3.1804 re Druids; 17. notes on Arthur's Stone; 18. notes on Stonehenge; 19. notes on Druids; 20.notes on the Isle of Lewis - a bird's eye view fro,m Stukely - account of monuments in Scotland and Brittany - a copy of an article on the Druids by H Leeds - a copy of an article on the architecture of the Britons by the Rev Fosbrooke; 21. notes on a paper by the Rev T B Fosbrooke on Avebury, with notes on the site; 22. article on the Druidical Remains at Croft Hill by Thomas Larkins Walker; 23. analysis of an essay on maritime monuments; 24. numerous small notes on druids and various monuments; 25. a copy of a talk by John Dougall 1820 on the Standing Stones at Lundin, Fife

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society