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Join a ‘Votes for Women’ parade in Devizes Carnival on 1 September!

Two ladies holding a hand-made banner saying 'Everyhone is Equal'

Artist Emma Leith with one of the Vote 100 banners

People in Devizes are being invited to cry “Votes for Women!” and join Wiltshire Museum in a colourful entry in the Town Carnival on Saturday 1st September, as they celebrate 100 years of women being able to vote. To find out more, email Rachael Holtom  – .

Rachael Holtom, Development Officer, said “We’d love to be joined by local people (women, men and children) to celebrate this historic milestone. We’ve made some fabulous banners for the event, decorated with pompoms and tassels, which were created by young people from Devizes School, women from Home Farm Trust in Rowde and wives of Ghurkha soldiers in Tidworth.

We’ll have sashes in the suffragette colours of green, purple and white for us all to wear and we can wave the banners, shout ‘Votes for Women!’ and celebrate women being able to vote.” Rachael continued, “Some of us are going to learn a verse from one of the suffragette’s anthems to try to sing as we march and if anyone would like to join us for a rehearsal of this pop -up choir, please come to the Wiltshire Museum for 2pm on Friday 10 August. But, not everyone needs to sing! “

Wiltshire Museum, in Long Street, won a grant from the government’s Women and Equality Department to celebrate the centenary.
Places are limited, please contact Rachael Holtom to express an interest and find out more details .

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