

Content summary: (6 September) : John Britton at 18 Wilderness Row to William Cunnington – has not heard from the Rev. Mr Ingram.and has just been writing a reply to Mr Gough's criticisms in the Gentleman's Magazine (April 1801 p. 319) 'though I am not sure if Mr Nichols will insert it. Tis a very unpleasant subject to e wrangling and quarreling either in public or private : yet in the present instance I conceive compelled by my respect and Duty to my friends & contributors who are misrepresented as well as myself.'\n

Summary: 6 September: John Britton at 18 Wilderness Row to William Cunnington- Rev Ingram writing reply to Gough's criticisms in magazine. Feels its a very unpleasant subject as to quarrel publically.

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