The volunteer rescue teams ready to respond 24/7: Wiltshire Search and Rescue, known as WILSAR, is the county's fourth emergency serice, turning out day and night, 365 days a year, to help locate missing people - and supporting the emergency serices in countless other incidents. Gary Lawrence found out more about the unsung heroes who give up their time so willingly (journal article)


Summary: The volunteer rescue teams ready to respond 24/7: Wiltshire Search and Rescue, known as WILSAR, is the county's fourth emergency serice, turning out day and night, 365 days a year, to help locate missing people - and supporting the emergency serices in countless other incidents. Gary Lawrence found out more about the unsung heroes who give up their time so willingly/Wiltshire Life/November 2023

Content summary: journal article about Wiltshire Search and Rescue

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society