

Content summary: 12 March 1806 : copy of a letter from William Cunnington to William Owen – he thinks that many articles for war and domestic use in their sepulchres militates against the belief of transmigration of the Soul into another body. 'you see I want light and don't know where to obtain it unless you will assist me'.He descibes a site he has seen 'situated on the brow of a hill overlooking a stream, the area contains about two acres of eleven tumuli, eight are sepulchral …'

Summary: 12 March 1806 : copy of a letter from William Cunnington to William Owen – he thinks that many articles for war and domestic use in their sepulchres militates against the belief of transmigration of the Soul into another body. 'you see I want light and don't know where to obtain it unless you will assist me'.He descibes a site he has seen 'situated on the brow of a hill overlooking a stream, the area contains about two acres of eleven tumuli, eight are sepulchral …'

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society