22 black and white photographs. The inhabitants and their entertainment, Froxfield, Wiltshire. (photograph)

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A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image


Summary: 22 black and white photographs of the inhabitants and their entertainment at Froxfield, Wiltshire. 1-5 - Fancy Dress. 1 - Mrs Nell Gallagher. 2 and 3 - The Manor? 1932, a large group of children in fancy dress including, possibly, Alec and Eileen Gallagher, Ivy Naish and Ron Dixon. 4 - 1937 coronation, left to right excluding the un-named "L" plate wearer, Jim Holmes, Reg Naish, Alec Gallagher, Jack Rawlings, Bill Cleaver and Jack Chapman at the front. 5 - dressed up for the 2nd June 1953, Coronation Day celebrations, left to right, Susan Nicholas, Angela Norris, Geoff and Carol Richardson. 6,7 and 8 - Getting about. 6 - on their bikes are Michael Kington, in uniform and his friend Charles Hunter outside Michael's home at Blue Lion Cottages. 7 - Mr Jack Dobson on his brother Oliver's motorcycle. 8 - Frank Farr, Eric King and John Savage on one motorcycle. 9,10 and 11 - Water. 10 - Mr Leslie Rosier and Mr Bill Cleaver at the first lock down from Oakhill Bridge. 11 - a group of swimmers at Piccadilly Lock on the Kennet and Avon Canal, second from left is Arthur Dixon then Oliver Alexander and Edgar Dixon, the other three boys are unknown. 11 - young swimmers in the river at 47 Froxfield, left to right, Sid Hunter, Mary Naish, Winnie Norris, Joan Dixon, Audrey Mildenhall and Raymond Nott, Barbara Cooper and Sylvia Norris are at the front. 12- 15 - Group entertainment. 12 - a gathering of ladies on the vicarage lawn, possibly the Mother's Union, the Revd. Barley can be seen at the back. 13 - a Christmas party in the village hall, not a very happy group. 14 - a picnic in the field behind the College, Mrs Cleaver, Cis Mildenhall, Nan, Ivy, Dorothy, Mary and "Dimp" Naish. 15 - all dressed up for a concert party? left to right, Mr J McClintock, Mr Sid Stroud, Mr Les Naish, Mr J Holmes, Mr Les Rosier, Mr Bill Cleaver? and Mr George Wells, the little girl is probably Juma Stroud. 16,17 and 18 - Football. 16 - Oliver Alexander, leaving for a match, outside his parent's home. 17 and 18 - obverse and reverse of the medal presented to the Littlecote football team, marking their participation in the Newbury Challenge Cup 1931/32 season. 19-22 - The Pelican public house. 19 - Mr Oliver Alexander at the bar with Mr Woosnam, the landlord. 20 - Mr and Mrs Woosnam with patrons, left to right, Mr Tut Butler, Mr Norris and Mr Tom Luker. 22 and 22 - two versions of the same photograph, playing darts is Mr Henry Mildenhall with Mr Tom Hunter standing behind Mrs Doug Povey, seated.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society