

Content summary: No Date: WIlliam Cunnington to John Holloway – the Coralines or Petrifactions are worth looking into and has sent him a few rare ones from Tisbury, but as he is on the borders of the chalk has not sent him any chalk fossils. Lists the strata below the chalk.\nLand sometimes as hard as a rock with shells\nA kind of mongrel stone\nClay\nAlluvial matter \n'We have the same stratum after the Chalk as you. According to my friend William Smith all strata lie in zig zag lines from North to South, and as you travel from East to West pass them all successively all cross or verge to the West – they dip to the East. ______ . The Strata corresponding\nwith ours is found in France and all over the Globe.

Summary: No Date: WIlliam Cunnington to John Holloway -Sent coralines and petrifications to Holloway,

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society