3 colour and 9 black and white photographs. Crosskeys, Froxfield, Wiltshire. (photograph)

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A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image


Summary: 3 colour and 9 black and white photographs of Crosskeys and it's inhabitants, Froxfield, Wiltshire. All exterior views, black and white photographs unless stated otherwise. 1 and 2 - panoramic view of the village looking down on Cross Keys although the cottage is hidden from view behind trees. 3- the entrance to Manor Farm with the Old Police Station on the left. 4 and 5 - views of Cross Keys cottage. 4 - Cross Keys cottage can be seen on the right of the picture with the Old Police Station on the left, the village policeman at the time is believed to be Constable Read. On the far left of the scene is a gentleman in a bowler hat sitting on a horse, this is Mr Charlie Naish, the village baker, a number of men, women, children and horses are also present. 5 - the front elevation of Cross Keys cotage c. 1900, two children are playing in the lane and two are in the cottage doorway, a gentleman leading a workhorse can be seen in the right foreground. 6 - the Old Police Station and adjoining cottage. 7, 8 and 9 - views of the front elevation of the Old Bakehouse and Post Office near Cross Keys. 7 - two little girls, Dorothy and Ivy Naish? can be seen in the left foreground. 8 - four young ladies, Nan and Dorothy Naish, Cis Mildenhall and Ivy Naish, are leaning against the front wall. 9 - Dorothy Naish as a young lady, standing at the gate to the Old Bakehouse. 10, 11 and 12 - colour photographs of the Cross Keys area featuring Cross Keys cottage, the entrance to Manor Park, the Old Bakehouse, the Old Police Station and the Old Baker's shop

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society