Remembrance, Reminding us of the forgotten war: this month when we focus on those who lost their lives whilst sering their country, Andrew Johnstone from SSAFA, the armed forces charity looks at a conflict that many people may not be aware of, but for those who fought in the Korean War it is important to remember the three year conflict and those who did not come home (journal article)


Summary: Remembrance, Reminding us of the forgotten war: this month when we focus on those who lost their lives whilst sering their country, Andrew Johnstone from SSAFA, the armed forces charity looks at a conflict that many people may not be aware of, but for those who fought in the Korean War it is important to remember the three year conflict and those who did not come homeJohnstone, Andrew/Wiltshire Life/November 2023

Content summary: journal article about SSAFA and victims of the Korean War

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society