

Content summary: 14 June 1809 : copy of letter from William Cunnington to Rev. J Douglas - ' Our porcelain beads are sometimes found with Skeletons, but more frequently where burning has been practiced.' Interment was an ancient rite, 'but cremation must have been brought into the Country at a very early period. 'I am of the opinion that burying under tumuli had (in this Island) ceased before the invasion of Caesar.\nHas more to say when they meet. At present the Masons are enlarging his 'small house',but invites him to see his collection and eat with him, but sleep at the local Inn

Summary: 14 June 1809 : copy of letter from William Cunnington to Rev. J Douglas - ' Our porcelain beads are sometimes found with Skeletons, but more frequently where burning has been practiced.' Interment was an ancient rite, 'but cremation must have been brought into the Country at a very early period. 'I am of the opinion that burying under tumuli had (in this Island) ceased before the invasion of Caesar.\nHas more to say when they meet. At present the Masons are enlarging his 'small house',but invites him to see his collection and eat with him, but sleep at the local Inn\n

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