Five photographs of a portrait of Lord Coleraine 1740, from a miniature in the British Museum, and two copies of an engraving with a portrait of the first Lord Coleraine, as a pilgrim to Santiago de Compostela (photographs)


Content summary: copies of a minature held in the Print Room of the British Museum, of the Rt Honorable H Lord Coleraine, G Vertue 1740 and copies of Fairthorne's engraving with portrait of Hugh Hare, first Lord Coleraine, in pilgrim's garb

Summary: Five photographs of a portrait of Lord Coleraine 1740, from a miniature in the British Museum, and two copies of an engraving with a portrait of the first Lord Coleraine, as a pilgrim to Santiago de Compostela/ anon/ undated.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society