1 black and white, 1 coloured, 2 sepia postcards. The White Horse, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. (postcard)


Identification note: Correspondence on reverse of one postcard.

Summary: 1 x sepia postcard looking down the main road of the village towards the White Horse, two thattched cottages and one brick building to the right of the picture, two gentlemen and a horse and cart in the midground, hedgerow on the left. 1 x black and white postcard looking down the main road of the village towards the White Horse, two thatched cottages to the right of the picture, hedgerow to the left. two boys in the foreground and two men (one with a double harness horse and cart), in the midground. 1 x coloured postcard looking down the main road of the village with the White Horse in the left background, two thatched cottages and one brick building can be seen with numerous people standing in the road facing the camera. 1 x sepia poastcard looking towards the White Horse, a herd of cows in the foreground, houses and gardens in the midground.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society