
A beautiful responsive image


Identification note: catalgue card has "On the same sheet are tomb-chests at Mere [.3], Fovant [.2] and Hill Deverill [.1], a flat gravestone at West Knoyle [.6], and an effigy at Tollard Royal [.7]" on the back. There is also a .5, Barford Chancel qv VN

Summary: signed watercolour, recessed and arched tomb-chest with effigy on S side of chancel, carving on N side of chancel, church at Barford St Martin, 1804, by John Buckler, also tombs at Mere, Fovant, Hill Deverill, West Knoyle and an effigy at Tollard Royal

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society