7 . Trade (16th century onwards) (extracts)


Summary: Extracted chapters and articles on marketing and trade from the 16th-19th century. Including Everitt, Alan The Food Market of the English Town (1660-1760); Southern History I (1979), Dyer, A.D., The Market Towns of Southern England 1500-1700; Forgotten Harvest: the Story of Cheesemaking in Wiltshire, Markets, Fairs and Transportation Routes; Local Historian 14 (1980-1981) - Mitchell, Ian, Pitt's Shop Tax in the History of Retailing; Clark, P (ed.), The Transformation of English Provincial Towns, Mitchell, Ian, The Development of Urban Retailing 1700-1815; Patten, John, Urban Occupations in Pre-Industrial England; Tawney, A.J. and R.H., An Occupational Census of the Seventeenth Century; Everitt, A., Landscape and Community in England (1985), Ch. 11, Country Carriers in the Nineteenth Century; Davis, D., A History of Shopping (1966), Ch.VI, Country Shoppers and Shopkeepers and Ch. III, New Beginnings in Retail Distribution; Bulletin New York Public Library, LXXI (1967), Whitford, Harold, C., Expos'd to Sale - The Marketing of Goods and Services in Seventeenth Century England........

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society