9 black and white photographs. Fonthill Abbey, Fonthill Bishop, Wiltshire. (photograph)


Identification note: All photgraphs are anotated on the front with title and date

Summary: 9 black and white photographs of Fonthill Abbey, Fonthill Bishop, Wiltshire. 1 - view of the remains of the old Fonthill Abbey looking from the pillar lined drive towards a tower in the left midground and an arched corridor in the central background. 2 to 9 are views of the new Abbey. 2 - 5 - looking across fields towards the abbey. 6 and 7 views across overgrown grassed areas towards the abbey with statues in the foreground. 8 - view looking up the bank and stone steps towards the ?back? of the abbey. 9 - a diagonal view of the ?front? of the abbey.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society