archaeological map


Identification note: Overlays were done by Paul Robinson, then Curator. Sheet numbers : 31/77, 31/83, 31/85, 31/88, 31/01, 31/92, 31/93, 31/99, 41/02, 41/02, 4`/03, 41/06, 41/08, 41/09, 41/12, 41/13, 41/15, 41/22, 41/23, 41/25, 41/26, 41/27, 41/28, 41/29, 41/36, SU04, SU05, SU07, SU14, SU16, SU17, SU18, SU19, SU21, SU24, SU35, SU37, ST73, ST74, ST75, ST76, ST82, ST86, ST87, ST94, ST95, ST96, ST97, ST98.

Summary: A bound collection of 49 Ordnance Survey 1:25,000 (2.5 inches to 1 mile) scale maps of Wiltshire (Sheet numbers - see 'Note' field) Provisional Edition, with overlays which show the location of archaeological features and finds with accession numbers and other information. Created and maintained by Paul Robinson, curator.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society