4 black and white postcards, 2 coloured postcards. Calne, Wiltshire. (postcard)


Identification note: Corespondence on revese of 3 postcards. Postmarks, 5.JLy.1957, SP.9.05, SP.13.11.

Summary: 6 views of the High Street, Calne. 1 x looking from West Hill towards The Strand, shops on both sides of road, delivery vans, cyclists and a car on both sides of the road, building in right midground signage reads "Buckeridge", 1 x looking up the road from The Strand, ?hotel? in left foreground with shops beyond, shops in right foreground and beyond, people on both sides of the road and facing the camera horse and carts in mid and background, 1 x looking down road, post office in right foreground shops on left, two parked bicycles and one being pushed by a lady, delivery van further down the road, The Kings Arms in right midgound and "Buckeridge" sign just visible in background with clock tower in distance, 1 x c1930 looking down road towards The Strand, group of children facing the camera outside a shop "Telling" sign above shop awning, stonewall topped with iron railings in right foeground (railings taken for War Effort 1939-45) two gentlemen standing in front of "Buckeridge" shop in right midground, large stone building with clock tower in background, 2 x same view of "High Street and West Hill, Calne" (1 black and white, 1 coloured) looking towards West Hill with The Strand in left background, stone wall topped with iron railings surround garden in centre midground, young man in front of garden facing camera, group of people further down the road to left, "Buckeridge" shop past garden.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society