

Content summary: No Date : W Martin, Macclesfield to William Cunnington– note with fossils, some of which he had purchased for WmC others were in exchange for fossils of the chalk which WmC sent to him 'The former had been purchased form the miners themselves, but there has been so much collecting lately that they now know fully the value of these articles. Indeed they make nothing in asking half a guines for a handsome specimen'.

Summary: No Date : W Martin, Macclesfield to William Cunnington– note with fossils, some of which he had purchased for WmC others were in exchange for fossils of the chalk which WmC sent to him 'The former had been purchased form the miners themselves, but there has been so much collecting lately that they now know fully the value of these articles. Indeed they make nothing in asking half a guines for a handsome specimen'.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society