Avebury, Wiltshire (postcard)


Identification note: Correspondence on reverse of one postcard, postmarked OC.12.07

Summary: 1 coloured, 2 black and white and 5 colour postcards of various stones in the Avebury monument. Coloured 1 - "Remains of Druid's Stone Avenue (South), Avebury. Colour 2 - South -west sector, looking south-east. 3 - South-west sector, looking north. 4 - "The Cove in Winter". 5 - "Part of the Great Stone Circle which originally consisted of about 100 stones, set about 27 feet apart". 6 - "The Swindon Stone". Black and White 7 - "View of the Cell of the Celtic Temple at Abury. August 6 1721". Reproduction of the drawing "The Cove of the Northern Temple" by Stukeley. 8 - "Avebury, Devils Chair, c.1908". A view of the stone with a group of 2 men and 6 women seated on the grass in front of it.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society