5 black and white, 3 colour photographs. Mrs Eddie Plank (Gesine Richards), Devizes, Wiltshire (photograph)


Identification note: This series of photographs will be stored with their accompanying documents - MSS.

Summary: 5 black and white, 3 colour photographs of Mrs Eddie Plank (Gesine Richards) of Devizes, Wiltshire. 1 and 2 - black and white photographs, Gesine and Eddie in Waiblingen, an early exchange visit. 3 - colour photograph, Gesine at a Wablingen/Devizes exchange dinner. 4 - black and white photograph, Gesine standing next to some trophys in a sitting room, 5 - Black and white photograph, Gesine, Kath and unknown gentleman outside the rear of a building. 6 - colour photograph of Gesine and Eddie at a Christening, they didn't have any children but "adopted" this family, Gesine is 2nd left and Eddie 3rd right holding a baby. 7 - colour photograph, Gesine with three of her "adopted" family. 8 - colour photograph, August 1984 at Mill Cottage, Marden, Gesine is standing with Mary, Doug, Helen and Phillip Pottinger and Bob. 9 - colour photograph, August 1984, Gesine with Mary Pottinger outside her house at Urchfont (Chirton), Gesine moved here after Eddie's death. 10 and 11 - colour portraits of Gesine in later life. 12-16 - The Australia connection - 12 - black and white portrait, 1969, Sir Harold Bailey, Gesine's cousin who emigrated to Australia, 13 - colour photograph, 1987, Gesine's cousin Carl William Bailey. 14 - colour photograph, 1989, rainbow over Holloway Road, Australia. 15 - colour photograph, 20th August 1984, Gesine, Kath and Bob at Southfield, Devizes. 16 - colour photograph, 20th August 1984, Gesine, Kath and Joy Raven (cousin from Australia) at Southfield, Devizes.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society