1 colour, 20 black and white photographs. The Garage and The Limes, Froxfield, Wiltshire. (photograph)

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A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image
A beautiful responsive image


Summary: 1 colour, 20 black and white photographs of the Garage, The Limes and inhabitants, Froxfield, Wiltshire. 1-3 - The Limes. 1 - colour photograph of three cottages, formerly one dwelling, known as The Limes. 2 - The Limes, 1902. 3 - Mr John Redman of the Manor seen here on horseback outside of The Limes. 4-14 - The Garage. 4 - Fire Fighters bringing a fire at the garage under control, c. 1920. 5,6 and 7 - motor car VW 2680. 5 - working on the engine. 6 - finished work, (l-r) Reg Naish, Vic Heaver, Mr Skippence and Leslie Rosier. 7 - ready to go, the driver is a French gentleman and the passenger is Vic Heaver? 8 - Mr Skippence with Major George Wills at the garage. 9 and 10 - work in the garage. 9 - Leslie Rosier, Reg Naish and Mr Skippence at work. 10 - Reg and "Skip". 11 - the garage being redecorated, the painter is Mr Ponsford and the gentleman to the left is Mr George Pike. 12 and 13 - front elevations of the garage with Ivy Cottage. 14 - a vintage motor car, GG 2276, believed to be maintained by Mr Skippence. 15 and 16 - Mr Wise, the local saddler, whose shop was between the garage and The Limes. 15 - Mr Wise at the door to his shop. 16 - Mr Wise at work in his shop c. 1900, Dr Knight is watching him work. 17 - Mrs Pike who lived at No. 11 Froxfield, one of the three cottages between the garage and The Limes. 18 - view down the road with the garage on the left with the row of lime trees beyond. 19 - looking down the lesser road, past Ivy Cottage towards the garage. 20 - a view looking from the garage looking east, in the foreground is a lovely well kept bank of flowers. 21 - looking west along the frontage of The Limes, garage and cottages, the flowers on the bank have disappeared, replaced by rough grass.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society