

Content summary: (4 January 1805) : copy of a letter (made by his daughter) from WmC to John Britton\nHas received his parcel after a few days delay – it should be sent on the Salisbury coach from 'Bell Savage Ludgate' - '?Belle Sauvage'. WmC approves of of JB's 5th volume., but does not want the maps from 'the Beauties' as he has a volume of Cary's. He has Andrew's & Dury's maps from RCH to correct. Suggests that if Mr Faden wrote to RCH it might lead to 'a correct set of maps for the County. Talks about other county book.\nre. Silchester – WmC has not been there for some years and did not take any notes.\n'Silchester has eight sides the wall are in good preservation in sveral places particularly on the North side where it has a very fine Glacis like modern fortifications – The walls were of vast thickness & have courses of stone in the herringbone fashion – The whole area is in Tilage [sic] – The farmer whose house stands just within the area has a great many brass coins also a good gold coin of Domitian all found there by his people at Plough – I found on walking over the field a great many tessera, pieces of brick, flues &c &c you will find a good account in Gough's Camden - & if you go yourself make Aldermason[sic] Aldermaston in your way – Star the Schoolmaster will give you some information how himself & Father came to discover so many coins.'\n(4 January 1805) : copy of a letter (made by his daughter) from WmC to John Britton\nHas received his parcel after a few days delay – it should be sent on the Salisbury coach from 'Bell Savage Ludgate' - '?Belle Sauvage'. WmC approves of of JB's 5th volume., but does not want the maps from 'the Beauties' as he has a volume of Cary's. He has Andrew's & Dury's maps from RCH to correct. Suggests that if Mr Faden wrote to RCH it might lead to 'a correct set of maps for the County. Talks about other county book.\nre. Silchester – WmC has not been there for some years and did not take any notes.\n'Silchester has eight sides the wall are in good preservation in sveral places particularly on the North side where it has a very fine Glacis like modern fortifications – The walls were of vast thickness & have courses of stone in the herringbone fashion – The whole area is in Tilage [sic] – The farmer whose house stands just within the area has a great many brass coins also a good gold coin of Domitian all found there by his people at Plough – I found on walking over the field a great many tessera, pieces of brick, flues &c &c you will find a good account in Gough's Camden - & if you go yourself make Aldermason[sic] Aldermaston in your way – Star the Schoolmaster will give you some information how himself & Father came to discover so many coins.'\n\n

Summary: 4.1.1805: Copy of a letter (made by his daughter) from Wiliam Cunnington to John Britton- concerns the reply to letter 2598.18 about Silchester.

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