JJ Hunt’s Wiltshire Camera: One Hundred Historic Photographs of Marlborough and District (book)


Content summary: The JJ Hunt Wiltshire Archive was created in 2012 so that the work of this notable photographer be collated and celebrated. JJ Hunt had studios in Calne, Malmesbury, and Lugershall before settling in Marlborough where he established Hunt's studio. \n\nThis publication is a selection of one hundred JJ Hunt images from the Archive. Spanning the years 1888 until the early 1930s, they reflect the changes in rural life, customs and transport in this special part of Wiltshire. Many of these images are rare and a few can be viewed by the wider public for the first time. An illustrated biography is included, giving fascinating insights into the life and family history of JJ Hunt.

Notes: The author is JJ Hunt’ great grandson and knew nothing of Hunt’s photographic career before researching his great grandfather’s life and work.

Summary: JJ Hunt’s Wiltshire Camera: One Hundred Historic Photographs of Marlborough and District/Barbour, George M./Cromwell House Publishing/2021

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society