Materials for a History of Cricklade collected by Cricklade Historical Society, Chapter 1, Early History, Chapter II, Early Topography,Chapter V, Hundred, Borough and Manors, Chapter VI, The parliamentary Borough and its Members, Chapter VII The Waylands Estate and the Charities, Chapter VIII, Cricklade in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, Appendix A, St John's Priory and Hospital, Appendix B, The Maps and Plans of Cricklade, Appendix C, Views of Cricklade, Appendix D (Pedigrees), Appendix E, Notes on some Place Names, Appendix F, The Parish Register, Index (local history)


Summary: Materials for a History of Cricklade collected by Cricklade Historical Society, Chapter 1, Early History, Chapter II, Early Topography,Chapter V, Hundred, Borough and Manors, Chapter VI, The parliamentary Borough and its Members, Chapter VII The Waylands Estate and the Charities, Chapter VIII, Cricklade in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, Appendix A, St John's Priory and Hospital, Appendix B, The Maps and Plans of Cricklade, Appendix C, Views of Cricklade, Appendix D (Pedigrees), Appendix E, Notes on some Place Names, Appendix F, The Parish Register, Index/Thompson, T R, Crouch, W B, Stead, M T, Cuss, C T/1949 and later

Content summary: material for a history of Cricklade

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society