1 black and white postcard and 72 colour photographs and postcards. Badbury Wick, Chitterne, Crop Circles, Devizes, Experimental earthworks, Fresden Maor, Inglesham, Knook castle, Wansdyke and Wroughton, Wiltshire (photograph)


Summary: 1 black and white postcard and 72 colour photographs and postcards of places around Wiltshire. 1 - 16 - views of St John the Baptist church at Inglesham, 5 exterior (including bells and cemetary) and 11 (1 postcard/10 photographs) interior (including pews, windows, arches and detail of wall paintings and sculptures. 17 - black and white postcard of a wall sculpture, title on front reads "Apostles in Porch, Malmesbury Abbey (correspondence on reverse, date of postmark 9.APR.1965). 18 - 21 - views of the canal, bridge and locks at Devizes. 22 - 24 - two exterior and one interior view of St Mary's church, Chitterne. 25 - 38 - views of the remains of the earthworks of Knook Castle. 39 - 41 - views of Wansdyke. 42 - postcard of the White Horse at Westbury. 43 - 49 - (5 postcards/2 photographs) views of various crop circles in Wiltshire. 50 - 52 - views of the "Celtic" field systems at Wroughton. 53 - 65 - views of a series of experimental earthworks in Wiltshire. 66 - 69 - distant views of Fresdon Manor. 70 - 72 - views of Badbury Wick stone circle. 73 - (postcard) view of the Palladian Bridge at Wilton House.

Identification note: Underhill collection

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society