Grand Conventional Festival of the Britons (photograph)


Identification note: Various anotations below photograph - "C.H.S.del?" - "Aquatinted by R.Hawell" - "Photo by L.Mayloff. Swindon" -"View of Stonehenge" - "Published June 1815 by R. Hawell, 3 Chapel Street, London".

Summary: 1 photograph of an aquatint of an artist's view of Stonehenge entitled "Grand Conventional Festival of the Britons". The picture shows a view of a "complete" Stonehenge stone circle, the inner ring of stones covered with cloth banners, with crowds of people taking part in ceremonies, processionals and animal sacrifice. Crowds are ranged in and around the stones and in procession towards the stones. Large numbers are sitting around the stones on an encopassing circle of tiered seating cut into the landscape. People can be seen carrying spears, swords, shields, staffs and banners. Most are dressed (some in costume, some not), some appear to be naked. Two pairs of oxen can be seen dragging boat-shaped objects bearing large chests/coffers within the procession of peopletowards the entrance. There are a number of people on horseback.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society