The works of John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, The first portion, containing, a ersmon preached at Paul's cross, correspondence with Dr Cole, the reply to Harding's answer, of private mass, of communion under both kinds, of prayers in a strange tongue, of the supremacy, of real presence, of being in many places, of elevation of the sacrament, of adoration of the sacrament (book)


Summary: The works of John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, The first portion, containing, a ersmon preached at Paul's cross, correspondence with Dr Cole, the reply to Harding's answer, of private mass, of communion under both kinds, of prayers in a strange tongue, of the supremacy, of real presence, of being in many places, of elevation of the sacrament, of adoration of the sacrament/Ayre, John/1845/The University Press

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