The Salisbury Guide; giving an account of the Antiquities of Old Sarum, the ancient and present state of New Sarum, or Salisbury;and the Cathedral, comprising also a brief description of Fonthil Abbey, Wilton, Stourhead, Longleat and Amesbury Houses, Wardour and Longford Castles, Tottenham Park, and Clarendon Palace, the going out of the post, coaches and carriers, with the distances to the principal towns and villages on the high roads from Salisbury, and from town to town in Wiltshire (tract)


Summary: The Salisbury Guide; giving an account of the Antiquities of Old Sarum, the ancient and present state of New Sarum, or Salisbury;and the Cathedral, comprising also a brief description of Fonthil Abbey, Wilton, Stourhead, Longleat and Amesbury Houses, Wardour and Longford Castles, Tottenham Park, and Clarendon Palace, the going out of the post, coaches and carriers, with the distances to the principal towns and villages on the high roads from Salisbury, and from town to town in Wiltshire/Salisbyry/1818

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society