

Content summary: no date. John Britton to William Cunnington – sends him the printed title page of The Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain Vol.I which contains 61 engravings of views with architectural details and Vol. II which contains Ancient Domestic Architecture and Civil Architecture in England.\nIn his letter he thanks him for 'a very good Cheese & also for your friendly letter.' Had hoped to see him when he was in Wiltshire but when he got to Warminster heard that he was opening a barrow with RCH that day. '& that Sir Rd would not like to have strangers (for Mrs B. and an artist were with me) break upon his private party.' Is pleased to hear WmC is still 'prosecuting his interesting research upon the Down & that he has obtained a new source of amusement in collecting the fossils &c of the county.\nAsks him to send a little Wiltshire honey between 12 and 20 pounds 'because I am excessively fond of it.'\n\n

Summary: No date: John Britton to William Cunnington- sends him the title page of The Architectural Antiquities. thanks WmC for good cheese and letter and hoped that he had been able to see him but he was opening a barrow. Asks if he can send some honey.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society