animal remains


Summary: 1 antler pick and fragments from bank material presumably used in the construction of the latter drawn, from Marden Henge, Marden, Wiltshire, excavated by G J Wainwright, 1969.

Research results

An antler and several fragments, possibly used as picks, found on the pre-bank ground surface and presumably associated with the construction of the monument. The antler was excavated in 1969 by G J wainwright it 1969.

Two fragments of antler from this group were sampled for radiocarbon dating at the same time as material from the more recent 2010 excavations. The new radiocarbon dates have confirmed the accuracy of old British Museum radiocarbon dates and dsuggest that the henge was constructed in the mid-third millenium BC, at the end of the Neolithic.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society