

Content summary: 16 June 1802 : copy of William Cunnington's letter to Rev T Leman – he has written a memoir on Battlesbury Camp which he has sent to Mr Coxe and has opened two or three barrows nearby. Describes barrows and objects found and the way in which incinerated human bones had been placed. P Crocker had made drawings. He was puzzled about dating the barrows and queries whether the assumption that the Danes were the builders is feasible

Summary: 16 June 1802 : copy of William Cunnington's letter to Rev T Leman – he has written a memoir on Battlesbury Camp which he has sent to Mr Coxe and has opened two or three barrows nearby. Describes barrows and objects found and the way in which incinerated human bones had been placed. P Crocker had made drawings. He was puzzled about dating the barrows and queries whether the assumption that the Danes were the builders is feasible

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society