Logo of the Trust for DevizesDevizes Town Trail
The Trust for Devizes has participated in the national Heritage Open Day for many years but 2020 is different. Because of Covid 19 restrictions, it has not been possible to open our historic buildings for public access. At the end of July 2020, we embarked on a project to digitise the Devizes Town Trail, with the aim of making it available online in time for Saturday 19th September.
The Trail was first published in 1975 and the 7th Version of the Trail was launched in 2017. The Trust commissioned local photographer James Harrison to produce videos of ten of the many iconic buildings in Devizes. Despite the typical August weather, the project was delivered within the tight timescale.
This is the first stage of the project and we will be looking at other ways in which we can use technology to publicise the delights of our town. The paper based Town Trail is available from Devizes Books and the Wiltshire Museum for £2.50.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society