New addition to the Assizes for Devizes Team

Friday’s role within the team is to assist the Assizes for Devizes team in the development and delivery of project activities, including online and in-person promotion of the project and community events. They will also help out in the day-to-day running of the Wiltshire Museum and its social media accounts.

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Devizes Assize Court Interpretation and Exhibition designers on board!

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Imagemakers as Interpretation and Exhibition Designers for the Assizes for Devizes: Unlocking Wiltshire’s Stories project. Imagemakers will be working closely with our team throughout the Development Phase of our National Lottery Heritage Funded project to develop plans for our new museum galleries

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Project team for Assizes for Devizes!

Meet the Project team on the Assizes for Devizes: unlocking Wiltshire's stories! Nicola, Claire and Helen will be working on the Development Phase of the project which received funding of £300,748 by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The project aims to revitalise the derelict Devizes Assize Court as an iconic new

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Join our team!

Wiltshire Museum are currently recruiting for three posts, to start in early November 2023. In June we recieved exciting news that we have been awarded intial support from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to develop our plans to move the Museum to the currently derelict Devizes Assize Court. To help

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Banner with computer-generated view of the Assize Court and text - Bringing the Assize Court back to life! Thanks to National Lottery players, we have been awarded initial funding to develop our plans for the building.

Major step towards revitalising Devizes Assize Court as the new home of Wiltshire Museum

Major step towards revitalising Devizes Assize Court as the new home of Wiltshire Museum Wiltshire Museum has received initial support from The National Lottery Heritage Fund for an ambitious and exciting project ‘Assizes for Devizes: Unlocking Wiltshire’s Stories’.  Made possible by National Lottery players, the project aims to revitalise the

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3 yong people hanging a colourful banner onto a metal railing

Street Art Project unveiled at the Devizes Assize Court

Have you seen the new addition to the railings on the Devizes Assize Court? These banners are the culmination of a recent street art project we ran in conjunction with the Youth Justice Service and Emerald Team. Together, we worked with a group of young offenders, or those at risk

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Welcome to our Bath Spa University Placements

Hello to Linda and Helen! Who are joining us as part of the Voices for the Devizes Assize Court project. We are delighted to have two Bath Spa University students with us over the next few months. They will be working on the Voice of the Devizes Assize Court project

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Grecian pediment of the Assize Court building

Saving the Assizes – a new home for the Wiltshire Museum

We are delighted with the news that the future of the Devizes Assize Court has been secured with the aim of restoring it as the new home for the Wiltshire Museum. This landmark building will transform the Museum as a significant tourist destination and is an important part of the

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